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Dr. Ashley W. Smith, Owner and Orthodontist at Next Level Orthodontics has made it his personal goal to create the best orthodontic practice in New Braunfels. He has three main goals:

  1. Great customer care and service
  2. Affordable braces
  3. A cool, fun, and relaxing atmosphere

Great Customer Care & Service

When it comes to dentistry and dental care… Let’s be real… most people will try to find a way to dodge their appointments. However, have you ever anticipated the worst before doing something, then been pleasantly surprised at how GREAT it actually was? Then you laugh at yourself for being so negative in the beginning. Well, that is Dr. Smith’s goal for each and every patient. He believes he can make you feel JUST that way, if you feel any apprehension or anxiety about braces.

Your overall health is of the utmost importance to Dr. Smith and all of his staff here at Next Level. Our team is trained to greet and manage each patient and their family like their own. Dr. Smith’s knowledge and experience is sure to give you the best possible answers to all your questions and concerns regarding braces. We have invested in the latest technology in order to reduce your exposure to radiation and offer an easier and safer experience.

Affordable Braces

Dr. Smith has helped thousands of patients throughout his 13-year tenure practicing orthodontics. Each patient that has come to him for braces always has the BIG question, “How much”? Money is so important when discussing orthodontic treatment. It is our goal at Next Level Orthodontics to not only make braces affordable but to customize a financial plan for each individual who is preparing to pay for braces. We make sure to gather all information, such as insurance benefits, and offer flexible down payment options. Every so often, we like to offer promotional pricing around times like Summer or Christmas in order to help parents who are looking to get their children into braces. Lastly, our consultations, which include, x-rays, photos, and a comprehensive exam by our orthodontist, Dr. Smith, are FREE. This means that the second you walk into our door for an exam, you are already saving money!

We offer a few different options when it comes to orthodontic treatment. Traditional braces are typically a great option for children and adolescents. Most adults and older teens love our clear brackets and Invisalign options. The clear brackets and clear retainers make the experience of getting straighter teeth a bit more aesthetic and discreet.

A Cool, Fun, Relaxing Experience

Last, but surely not least, getting braces at Next Level Orthodontics will be fun! We have crafted our office to feel somewhat like a coffee house, to give you a feeling of comfort. Our clinic is what we call an “open bay” type clinic. This is to show patients that getting braces is easy and NOT painful. We offer two WiFi bars with charging stations for anyone looking to get some work or homework done while they wait on their family. We also offer seating in our clinic in order for patients to bring along any friends or family while they get braces on or come in for their adjustments. Our patients also LOVE our Photobooth Selfie Station. It makes it fun to show off your brand new braces or maybe your brand new smile at the end of your orthodontic treatment. Our photobooth makes it easy to share these pictures with your family and friends!

Dr. Smith loves being an orthodontist. His passion for making beautiful smiles is one that is hard to compete with. He and his team would love to meet you, answer any questions you may have about braces or Invisalign and make you a part of our Next Level family. Being a part of the family isn’t just a 1-2 year journey. It is a journey that will last a lifetime because having a beautiful smile to be proud of will carry on in the confidence you show in yourself for the rest of your life.